MiTAC rolls out Healthcare Cloud Services
To expand the communication of IoT application in different fields and industries, 2018 Smart City Summit & Expo hosted 3 professional sub-expos concurrently: Smart Healthcare Expo (SHE), Smart Education Expo (FuturE2D) and Intelligent Building Expo (IBE).

MiTAC’s bright future of IoT starts in streetlight
According to the research from TrendForceLED (LEDinside), the global smart lighting market reached a value close to US$4.6 billion in 2017 with an annual growth rate of 95%, and is expected to reach US$13.4 billion in 2020.

MiTAC’s MiOGC help build Smart City IoT
A city construction project has been always achieved by awarding a single contract. However, it will cost a lot of resources to integrate the system when there are new systems established in the ever-changing information systems environment…